It seems like just yesterday your kids were getting ready to go back to school after Christmas break 2016. Now we’re already closing the door on 2017! Where did all the time go? As these few waning moments of 2017 come to a close, it’s good to reflect on the year behind us. With that, here’s a review of 2017 at The Light House School of Excellence:
Choosing the Best Care for Your Child. When both parents work away from home, childcare is often one of the biggest challenges. It’s not always feasible for a parent to be home before and after school during normal business hours. Friends and family may help out but are not always an option. Finding a quality before and after school program becomes a high priority.
How to Choose the Right Before and After School Program for Your Family
What Your Preschooler Needs for School. Preschoolers are in transition between being babies, completely reliant on you, to little kids who are capable of doing many things on their own. They don’t have the confidence or skills yet to do many simple things, but they’re catching on! Going to school is a huge transition for them. It can be stressful for their little minds and bodies.
5 Things Your Preschooler Needs to Be Comfortable at School
Helping Your Child With Separation. When you have a baby, it may be hard to imagine being away from them, even for a few minutes as you let your friends and family steal some cuddles. But as they approach the 6-month mark, it becomes more likely you will have to leave them. Whether you are returning to work or just need some time to run errands alone, your child will now be spending many hours with a caregiver or in a preschool program. At around 8 months, your baby starts to understand that you are leaving but not necessarily that you are coming back!
A Parent’s Guide to Separation Anxiety
It has been our honor and pleasure to serve your family’s educational needs in 2017. We thank you for your trust and partnership in promoting your child’s growth and development. We are excited for all 2018 will bring for your child and for Light House. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and a Happy New Year!