
Fun Brain Exercises for Kids this Summer

Brain Exercises for Kids, The Light House School, Willis, TX

Many children experience a learning loss over summer break and have to play catch up for the first month of the new school year. While playtime and pool days will be at the center of most weekdays, you can also incorporate fun activities that engage your kids’ minds. 

Now that summertime is here and school is out, you can still keep your child’s brain active all summer long. Share on X

How to Keep Your Child’s Mind Active All Summer

This summer, having a schedule for your child is key to keeping their minds active. You also want to incorporate fun, educational activities into their daily routines. Below are some ideas to keep their brains busy:

  1. Educational Games Online
  2. Memory Games
  3. Summer Reading Lists

1) Educational Games Online

You probably don’t want your children playing online for hours a day, but some virtual games improve concentration, problem-solving abilities, and more cognitive skills. Here are some online games that can keep your kids entertained while improving memory and attention span:

2) Memory Games

Another important skill to work on with your children this summer is their short term memory. Memory games can help boost their memory while passing time. Try playing some of these memory games to improve your child’s memory: 

3) Summer Reading Lists

Many teachers provide summer reading lists for your child. If they didn’t, you can make your own! For toddlers and preschoolers who are too young to read, you can always read to them or have an older sibling read to them daily. 

Pro Tip: Make reading fun by planning a trip to the public library and letting your child choose their favorite books. 

Summer Brain Training Games

Summers can seem to last forever when there is no schedule or educational activities. If you incorporate some fun brain exercises for kids into your child’s routine, you’ll pass time while improving cognitive function. Looking for more educational resources for your child? Connect with us on social media for the latest updates!

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