
Merry Christmas from Light House School!

Merry Christmas from Light House School! Light House School of Excellence, Willis, TX

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Holidays

Most of us can agree 2020 was not a very pleasant year. But as the year draws to a close and the holiday season continues, it’s time to look toward 2021 with hopes for a better future. In the meantime, we should all take a moment to enjoy our time off with loved ones and reflect back on how the year went, not just for the world overall, but for us personally. Here’s a look back at 2020 with the Light House School of Excellence!

As the new year approaches, it’s time to leave 2020 in the dust and make 2021 a much better year. Get our annual summary and future plans here! #LightHouseSchool #childdevelopment #preschoolers Share on X

Safe In-Person Classes

When our in-person preschool classes resumed, we took every precaution to keep our students and teachers from contracting the virus or spreading it to others. From encouraging hand washing to maintaining social distance when possible, we did our best to protect our family. As the pandemic continues, we plan to continue our safety measures into 2021 as long as necessary.

At-Home Learning

Parents who have never homeschooled faced a significant challenge in 2020. Fortunately, many stepped up to the plate with educational activities, excellent schedule planning, new projects, and more to ensure learning never stopped. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to every parent who put in extra work this year! We’ll make sure your effort pays off.


2020 was a mixed bag for all of us. However, the best thing to do as the year comes to a close is look forward to the future and commit to making things better. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our plans for 2021.


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