As your kid grows, it’s important to let them participate in development-boosting games that encourage child development. However, that doesn’t mean that you should buy big and expensive toys for such games. There are many affordable games to consider.
What are some engaging activities to play with your toddler?
The kind of games to play with toddlers vary based on their age. For example, a baby of 12 months old can play simple games like clapping hands and pushing light boxes. Conversely, a 24-month toddler can dance and build block patterns.
Try these engaging games to play with your toddler: #lighthouseschool #toddlers #earlylearning Share on X- Building Blocks and Patterns
- Pretend Tea Party
- Catch Me If You Can
- Hide and Go Seek
- Dance to Music
1) Building Blocks and Patterns
Building blocks can help toddlers develop experimentation skills. They can stack the blocks into various shapes and patterns, promoting their scientific thinking and creative skills. The blocks help toddlers learn words such as up, down, under, and over.
2) Pretend Tea Party
You’ll need a child-size plastic tea set to play this game with your toddler. Fill a large plastic bowl with water, then pretend that you’ve come to take tea. Let your child fill the teapot and serve you tea. This will help improve the child’s hand-eye coordination skills.
3) Catch Me If You Can
You can play this fun game with toddlers aged 20 to 24 months. Since many toddlers like being chased, they pretend to be various animals, like a roaring lion, and follow them as they run. Hug and tickle the child any time you catch them. So this helps to develop the child’s stamina.
4) Hide and Go Seek
Hide and seek is one of the oldest games, but it can still help develop a baby’s brain. It’s a fun way to develop mapping, spatial, and navigation skills. The seeker must visualize the playground’s layout and think of potential places the hider might be. So, the seeker has to create a mental map to find the hider.
5) Dance to Music
Dancing can also encourage cognitive development in toddlers. Consider playing favorite songs that will inspire your toddler to perform specific actions. For example, a loud, strong beat will encourage your child to stamp like an elephant. This helps develop the child’s sense of rhythm and language skills.
Brain Building Games Your Toddler Will Love
These development-boosting games can help your child develop problem-solving and social skills. Therefore, you should pick a few brain-boosting toddler games that suit your child’s needs and interests. You can try as many games as possible to find what your toddler loves most.
Connect with us to learn more brain-boosting games to play with toddlers.