
How to Keep a Schedule for Kids at Home

Schedule for Kids at Home, Light House School of Excellence, Willis, TX

by | May 22, 2020 | Parenting Tips

While some of Texas is opening back up, social distancing policies are still in effect for many of us. It can be overwhelming to imagine weeks and weeks of the same work from home and online learning schedules. You are probably facing the same challenges that many parents are dealing with: how to juggle your career being a parent, a teacher, and household chores?

From grocery shopping to regular errands, many of us are facing more anxiety than usual. If you have to leave home with your child, it can be even more stressful wondering if they touched anything without you noticing. While staying home as much as possible and keeping your home clean will help stop the spread of germs, keeping a consistent schedule will help you maintain a sense of normalcy.

Looking for ways to keep a kid-friendly routine while everyone is at home? Here are a few tips to try! #socialdistancing Share on X

Learning at Home 

Summer break is right around the corner, but that doesn’t mean your kids have to stop learning. Instead of looking at the seemingly endless days at home, break the day up into small, manageable blocks of time. Schedule daily enrichment activities to keep little minds active. 

Pro Tip: Ask your child what they’d like to learn about this summer and incorporate it into your weekly routine! 

Puzzles, word games, science experiments, crafts, and music are all fun ways to keep your child learning all summer long. Once a schedule is established, your family might feel more calm and relaxed. 

Screen Time

In a perfect world, screen time would be easily limited. However, that’s not the case for most parents during the pandemic. Don’t feel bad for allowing your child to spend some extra time with the iPad. Playing online gives your children a chance to connect with their friends while giving you a break to get some chores done or even relax. It’s quite common for screen time to be up while everyone is quarantined.

Breaks & Outdoor Activities

Don’t forget to incorporate breaks into your schedules! Children of all ages need time to use their imaginations and play outside. Try one of these activities for a fun and active summer. 

Realistic Daily Schedules

Kids crave structure so sticking to a daily schedule will make things easier for your whole household. Try not to panic and remember to take care of yourself. It’s hard to be an effective parent when you’re pouring from an emotional cup that is only half full. Whether it’s working out for thirty minutes or reading a book and taking a bubble bath, self care is important for your mental health. We are all navigating these tricky times together– you are not alone.
Want to learn more at-home activities for your family? Connect with our team of educators on social media!

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